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Monday, January 22, 2007

COPS Students to Begin National Online Data Collection

Thanks to the generosity of two COPS faculty members, Andrew Hayes and Chip Eveland, four COPS students will soon be gathering data from a national sample. Teresa Myers, Kristen Landreville, Chris Shen and Myiah Hively are using a survey software provider, Qualtrics, to collect data simultaneously on four different surveys. Teresa is gathering data examining an extension of the Extended Parallel Process Model as it relates to global warming; Kristen is examining how emotional responses to advertisements are linked to media use, issue attention, and issue knowledge; and Chris and Myiah are collaborating with Chip on two surveys that look at how to best measure media use and media's relationship to several political attitudes, knowledge and engagement. Stay tuned for the interesting findings sure to follow.


Andrew F. Hayes said...

Amazingly, just eight hours after the survey went into the field, we had data from over 1600 respondents. These data will feed one M.A. thesis and several Ph.D. projects, and no doubt will spawn several related but unforeseen projects. Congratulations to Myiah, Teresa, Kristen, and Chris for their successful teamwork putting this project together.

Jerry Kosicki said...

I'm curious about the nature of the sample this company uses. How are the respondents chosen, or are they self-selected volunteers as is done by Harris Interactive?

William "Chip" Eveland said...

Contact information and general willingness to participate in surveys are gathered by various list-generating groups, sort of like consumer mail panels. It's somewhat like Harris Interactive too, but in this case people aren't agreeing to surveys from a particular organization, they're just expressing openness to completing some surveys in return for various incentives. This is different than the Knowledge Networks approach, of course.