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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

COPS Today: Context in Pol Comm Research

Today we will talk about an issue that is particularly salient at this moment in the United States: the role of context in the study of political communication effects. A new Forum was just released in the journal Political Communication which focuses on just this topic. For instance, Rojas and Valenzuela make the argument that research in the United States should have the same expectation of taking explicit consideration of the context of research conducted here as scholars studying other political contexts must make regarding any particular idiosyncrasies of those contexts. Let's talk about this, but perhaps expand the idea to the particular temporal context or geographic context of the research that we conduct in the U.S. For instance, what are the implications of gathering data at the current political moment, as the U.S. House of Representatives pursues an impeachment inquiry against the president, and roughly 20 Democrats vie for their party's nomination to run for president in 2020? And, would it matter if one were conducting a study a politics at this time in Iowa compared to Columbus Ohio compared to Montana?

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