
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

OSU puts out news release about new COPS study in the Journal of Communication about Climate Change

The OSU Research Communications office put out a news release yesterday about a new study by current and former COPS members Erik Nisbet, Teresa Myers, and Morgan Ellithorpe (Sol Hart from University of Michigan is also a co-author). The study focuses upon competitive framing message environments, open-/closed-mindedness, and support for government intervention on climate change mitigation. The study is in press at Journal of Communication and is fully available online. The full release is available from the Research Communication website.

The citation and abstract appears below:

Nisbet, E.C., Hart, P.S., Myers, T., & Ellithorpe, M. (in press). Attitude change in competitive framing environments? Open/close-mindedness and framing effects about climate change. Journal of Communication.

Abstract: Framing scholarship on policy issues has primarily focused on how competitive message environments alter framing effects or how individual differences moderate the impact of frames. This study combines both of these focal areas by examining how individual open-/closed-mindedness moderates framing effects about climate change within competitive and noncompetitive framing contexts. Contrary to previous scholarship, our experimental study finds effects on attitudes in the competitive framing condition, but not the noncompetitive framing condition. The framing effects found in the competitive condition were contingent upon individual differences in open-/closed-mindedness. Analysis shows that individual open-/closed-mindedness influences framing effects in part by altering the effects of frame exposure on the perceived costs and benefits of government climate policies.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reminder: Deadline for abstract submissions to the Midwest Association Public Opinion Researchers Annual Conference in Chicago is June 30th

MAPOR is a great conference for graduate students, as it has a very high acceptance rate for student papers and provides good feedback for aspiring scholars. Many OSU graduate student papers presented at AAPOR have found their way into print. Below is an announcement on how to submit a paper proposal (300 words or less) by June 30th. In addition, students can enter their full papers into a competition in September for a prestigious best paper prize given out by the association each year.
MAPOR 2013
Submission deadline: June 30
Don't forget to submit your abstract for the 2013 MAPOR conference to be held in Chicago, November 22-23, 2013! The call for papers, description of the student paper competition, and the new online abstract submission website are accessible at
We are excited to announce that our keynote speaker for the conference will be Lee Rainie from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.   Additionally, Michael Siciliano (University of Illinois at Chicago) we will be teaching a short course: 'An Introduction to the Measurement and Analysis of Networks'.  Be on the lookout for more information about the conference this summer.
Abstracts for papers, posters, or panels are due by midnight on June 30 and can be submitted at

Monday, June 03, 2013

OSU COPS members at ICA

In London for ICA later this month?  Don't miss these presentations by COPS members (bolded names):

Ellithorpe, M. E., Esralew, S., & Holbert, R. L. (2013). Putting the "self" in self-deprecation: When deprecating humor about minorities is acceptable. Paper accepted to the International Communication Association conference in London, UK.

Garrett, R. K., Johnson, B., Neo, R., & Dal, A.. (2013). Implications of pro- and counter-attitudinal information exposure for affective polarization. Paper accepted to the International Communication Association conference, Political Communication Division. London, UK.

Lee, J. (2013). Are some people less influenced by others’ comments?: The role of need for cognition and internal political self-efficacy in impression formation. International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.

Lee, J. & Song, H. (2013). Why do people post news through social networking sites?: A focus on technology adoption, media bias, and partisanship strength. Paper Accepted for presentation for the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association at the 2013 annual meeting in London, UK. * Top 3 Student paper award 

Song, H. & Eveland., W. P., Jr. (2013). The Structure of Communication Networks Matters: How Network Diversity, Centrality, and Context Influence Political Ambivalence, Participation, and Knowledge. Paper Accepted for presentation for Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association at the 2013 annual meeting in London, UK.

Song, H. (2013). Media and Economic Voting in 2008 U.S. Presidential Election: Beyond Sociotropic and Egotropic Dichotomies. Paper Accepted for presentation for Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association at the 2013 annual meeting in London, UK.

Weeks, B.E. (2013). Online search behavior and political communication: Building theory with unobtrusive Internet data. Invited panel presentation to be given at the International Communication Association Conference, Mass Communication Division. London, UK.

Weeks, B.E., Ksiazek, T.B., & Holbert, R.L. (2013). Partisan enclaves or diverse repertoires? A network approach to the political media environment. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Political Communication Division. London, UK.