
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Garrett on The Conversation

Check out Dr. Kelly Garrett's new piece that just appeared on The Conversation about how people make decisions about the truth of information. The piece references work done in collaboration with former OSU School of Communication PhD student Brian Weeks. Read it here:

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Cooper & Nisbet on Climate Change Documentaries and "Edutainment"

Check out OSU Ph.D. student Kaatie Cooper and Dr. Erik Nisbet's chapter on climate change documentaries and edutainment programs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Morey Dissertation Study Appears in Political Communication

Dr. Alyssa Morey (University at Albany, Department of Communication), a former OSU School of Communication Ph.D. student and COPS member, recently published an interesting paper based on her OSU dissertation in the journal Political Communication. The study, which evaluated learning of negative and positive TV ads, employed innovative electroencephalography (EEG) recordings ("brain waves" to the uninitiated), may be of some interest to current COPS members. You can check the study out here:

Monday, September 25, 2017

Katherine Cramer to Visit OSU, Deliver Lecture on the Politics of Resentment

Katherine Cramer, a Professor and Director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will visit OSU on Wednesday, September 27 to deliver a lecture on her recent, highly publicized book, The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott WalkerDuring her lecture, Dr. Cramer will discuss the nature of current right-wing populism in the United States, drawing on her extensive examination of rural voters in Wisconsin. The talk, held from noon to 1:30 p.m. in room 165 of Thompson Library, is hosted by the Democracy Studies Program and is open to the public. Please plan to attend and join many members of the COPS group there!

Rockin' Politics

If you're interested in considering the role that music may play in politics, check out the talk next week over at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies on "Rockin' the Free World: How the Rock and Roll Revolution Changed America and the Free World."

Friday, September 22, 2017

Former COPS members doing neat things!

Former OSU School of Communication doctoral student and COPS member Dr. Lindsay Hoffman is Associate Professor at the University of Delaware and also the Associate Director of the UD Center for Political Communication. You might find this video interesting as one of many in a speaker series Lindsay runs dealing with understanding and addressing difference in our society.