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Friday, June 10, 2016

First-Authored Published Research by Current and Former COPS Students

Over the last month, some current and former COPS students have had several peer-reviewed manuscripts published or accepted for publication.

Golnoosh Behrouzian (first author) and Aysenur Dal had their paper "Resisting Censorship: How Citizens Navigate Closed Media Environments" accepted for publication to the International Journal of Communication.  Drawing upon survey data from Turkey, the paper outlines a news theoretical construct based on reactance theory, motivated resistance to censorship, that influences individual's use of alternative online sources of information in censored mass media environments.

COPS Alumnus Elizabeth Stoycheff, now an assistant professor at Wayne State University, has had her first authored paper "Differential Effects of Capital-Enhancing and Recreational Internet Use on Citizens’ Demand for Democracy" published, prior to print, online at Communication Research.  Her paper examines how different forms of Internet use are associated with citizen attitudes about democratization in Russia and Ukraine based upon surveys she conducted as part of her doctoral dissertation in each country.

Stoycheff also recently had a paper first-authored accepted for publication to the International Journal of Public Opinion Research entitled "Priming the Costs of Conflict? Russian Public Opinion about the 2014 Crimean Conflict."  This study employed an online survey experiment with Russian Internet users to examine how different  informational cues interact with Russian nationalism to influence support for the Russian takeover of the Crimean peninsula. 

Congrats to Golnoosh, Aysenur, and Elizabeth!


Behrouzian, G., Nisbet, E.C., Dal, A., Carkoglu, A. (in press) Resisting Censorship: How Citizens Navigate Closed Media Environments. International Journal of Communication

Stoycheff, E., Nisbet, E.C., and Epstein, D. (in press). Differential effects of capital-enhancing and recreational Internet use on citizens' demand for democracy. Communication Research.

Stoycheff, E. & Nisbet, E.C. (in press). Priming the Costs of Conflict? Russian Public Opinion about the 2014 Crimean Conflict. International Journal of Public Opinion Research