
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

COPS Thursday 10/1/15

A quick reminder that tomorrow we'll have Paul Beck, Erik Nisbet, and Hillary Schulman presenting on their research programs and current projects during COPS. As usual, we'll be meeting in 3150 Derby from 2-3pm.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Neo article published in IJPOR

Congratulations to Rachel Neo on the (electronic) publication of her sole-authored article, "Favoritism or Animosity? Examining How SNS Network Homogeneity Influences Vote Choice via Affective Mechanisms" in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. As the title suggests, the paper examines how online social network composition shapes citizens' feelings toward political candidates, and how this impacts vote choice.  Check it out here:

DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edv035

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Clementson paper accepted in Presidential Studies Quarterly

David ClementsonCongratulations to doctoral student David Clementson, who was recently notified that his paper "When does a Presidential Candidate seem Presidential and Trustworthy? Campaign Messages Through the Lens of Language Expectancy Theory" has been accepted for publication in Presidential Studies Quarterly. The manuscript is expected to appear in the March 2017 issue.