
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

COPS Alumnus Elizabeth Stoycheff has a first-authored article in the November issue of Political Communication on Internet and Democratization

Elizabeth StoycheffDr. Elizabeth Stoycheff, an alumnus of COPS and currently an assistant professor at Wayne State University, has a first-authored article in this month's Political Communication examining the cross-national relationship between Internet penetration, Internet use, and democratic attitudes. The title and abstract (with link to the article) are below. Congrats!

What’s the Bandwidth for Democracy? Deconstructing Internet Penetration and Citizen Attitudes About Governance

Recent world events have highlighted the democratic potential of information and communication technologies. This article draws upon the democracy literature to develop a multilevel conceptual framework that links country-level Internet penetration and individual-level Internet use to citizen attitudes about governance in 34 developing countries. In doing so, it deconstructs “Internet penetration” into three dimensions—hardware (e.g., computers), users, and broadband—to provide greater theoretical specificity about how Internet diffusion leads citizens to adopt democratic attitudes. Results from multilevel analyses indicate that individual Internet use and the diffusion of Internet hardware shape citizens’ perceptions of the supply of democracy in their countries, and individual Internet use and diffusion of broadband lead citizens to adopt stronger democratic preferences. Theoretical and normative implications are discussed.

Hyunjin Song Lead-Authored Communication Theory Paper Now Online

Hyunjin SongCongrats to (Hyun)Jin Song, whose first-authored paper "Metacognitive Model of Ambivalence: The Role of Multiple Beliefs and Metacognitions in Creating Attitude Ambivalence" in Communication Theory is now available online: This is one of three lead or sole-authored papers Jin currently has in press; the other two are at Journal of Communication and Political Communication.

Nisbet Gives Talk at USC

Erik NisbetErik Nisbet gave a guest lecture on October 22nd at the University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communication entitled "The Media War Over Crimea and Russian Public Opinion" as part of its Center for Public Diplomacy's "Conversations in Public Diplomacy" regular lecture series.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Garrett Gives Talk as Part of University of Missouri Political Communication Institute's Distinguished Lecture Series

Kelly GarrettCongratulations to Kelly Garrett on his October 17th presentation "Political Misperception in the Age of the Internet" as part of the University of Missouri's Political Communication Institute's Distinguished Lecture Series.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

COPS Alum Lindsay Hoffman to Moderate U.S. Senate & House Debates in Delaware

Former COPS member and University of Delaware associate professor Lindsay Hoffman will be one of the three moderators of state of Delaware's U.S. Senate and House debates tonight. Pretty cool!