
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Great data resource for political communication - TESS (Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences)

TESS (Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences) is a great resource for faculty and graduate students to conduct experimental research with a generalizable population of adults for free. Yes, you read correctly, FOR FREE!

Funded by the National Science Foundation, you can submit brief five page proposals to conduct a study, they are peer-reviewed, and if approved, you can field the study at no cost to you. Great way to replicate experiments with adults, collect a larger data set of respondents with more heterogeneity of traits/individual differences, etc.

You can find more infomation about TESS at and how to submit proposals at

In addition, TESS has a special competition for young investigators - i.e. graduate students - that is meant to allow graduate students to field large scale studies. You can find more information at

If you have a any questions about TESS, please feel free to email me as I am an Associate PI for the program and reviewer of proposals at

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Welcoming Robert Bond to OSU

As most of you know, the School of Communication recently hired Robert Bond, ABD at UC-San Diego, for our position in social network analysis. Robert will be joining us this coming fall. Robert is lead author of what must be one of the (if not THE) largest random assignment experiment on humans in history -- a study conducted in conjunction with Facebook in which feeds were experimentally manipulated on election day in 2010. The study was published this last fall in the journal Nature. Robert's research thus links not only to social networks more generally, but also to the work we do in COPS. I encourage you to welcome Robert to OSU @!
Congratulations to Alyssa Morey and Steve Kleinman! Both Alyssa and Steve defended their dissertations earlier this month, and both also now have completed their revisions. Within a few weeks they'll be sitting in Ohio Stadium, listening to President Obama (OSU's graduation speaker), and receiving their Ph.D.'s officially. After that, they're both off to assistant professor positions (Alyssa at the University at Albany [formerly known as SUNY-Albany] and Steve at Indiana University of Pennsylvania).

It's very hard work to earn a Ph.D., so they deserve our congratulations.

Monday, April 15, 2013

COPS alumnus in the news

COPS alumnus Jason Reineke is an Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at Middle Tennessee State University, and he is the Associate Director of MTSU Poll.  Jason recently received nice coverage on a local television news station for some gay-marriage polling conducted by MTSU.  Watch the interview here:

Congratulations, Jason!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Recent peer-reviewed publications by COPS members

I asked COPS members to share with me what they've published recently.  The results are impressive: there are more than a dozen manuscripts, including five that will appear in flagship outlets. Congratulations to everyone for the great work.  (If I've missed something of yours, please let me know!).

Eveland, W. P., Jr. (in press; anticipated publication Sept. 2013). Linking social network analysis to the spiral of silence, coorientation, and political discussion: The intersection of political perceptions and political communication. In W. Donsbach, C. Salmon, & Y. Tsfati (Eds.), The spiral of silence: New perspectives on communication and public opinion. Routledge.

Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Garrett, R. K. (in press; anticipated publication 2013). Communication modalities and political knowledge. In K. Kenski & K. H. Jamieson (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of political communication.

Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Hutchens, M. J. (in press). The role of conversation in developing accurate political perceptions: A multilevel social network approach. Human Communication Research. (accepted April 2013)

Eveland, W. P., Jr., Hutchens, M. J., & Morey, A. C. (in press). Political network size: Micro and macro implications. Political Communication. (accepted April 2012)

Garrett, R. K., Carnahan, D., & Lynch, E. K. (2013). A turn toward avoidance?  Selective exposure to online political information, 2004-2008. Political Behavior, 35(1), 113-134. doi: 10.1007/s11109-011-9185-6

Garrett, R. K., Nisbet, E. C., & Lynch, E. K. (in press). Undermining the corrective effects of media-based political fact checking? The role of contextual cues and naïve theory. Journal of Communication. (accepted December 2012)

Garrett, R.K., & Weeks, B.E. (2013). The promise and peril of real-time corrections to political misperceptions. Proceedings of the ACM 2013 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 1047-1058, New York: ACM.

Hayes, A. F., Matthes, J., & Eveland, W. P., Jr. (in press). Stimulating the quasi-statistical organ: Fear of social isolation motivates the quest for knowledge of the opinion climate. Communication Research. Available online 12/1/2011: DOI: 10.1177/0093650211428608.

Holbert, R.L., Weeks, B.E., & Esralew, S.E. (in press) Approaching the 2012 U.S. presidential election from a diversity of explanatory principles: Understanding, consistency, and hedonism. American Behavioral Scientist.

Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2012). Selective exposure and reinforcement of attitudes and partisanship before a presidential election. Journal of Communication, 62, 628-642.

Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Selection, perception and processing of political messages. In C. Reinemann (Ed.), Political Communication (Vol. 18 of Handbook of Communication Sciences). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.

Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Johnson, B. K. (in press). Selective exposure for better or worse: Its mediating role for online news’ impact on political participation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. (accepted May 2012).

Lee, J. (2013). “You know how tough I am?” Discourse analysis of U. S. Midwestern Congresswomen's self-presentation, Discourse &Communication, 7(3)

Liu, Y. I., Shen, F., Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Dylko, I. (in press). The impact of news use and news content characteristics on political knowledge and participation. Mass Communication and Society. (accepted February 2013).

Pingree, R. J., Quenette, A. M., Tchernev, J. M. & Dickinson, T. (2013), Effects of media criticism on gatekeeping trust and implications for agenda setting. Journal of Communication, 63(2), 351–372. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12016

Weeks, B.E., & Holbert, R.L. (in press). Predicting dissemination of news content in social media: A focus on reception, friending, and partisanship. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

Westerwick, A., Kleinman, S. B., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Turn a blind eye if you care: Impacts of attitude consistency, importance, and credibility on seeking of political information and implications for attitudes. Journal of Communication.

[Note that this list was amended on 4/10/13 and 4/15 to reflect several articles that I missed the first time.]