Sunday, November 06, 2011
Recent publications by COPS members
Eveland, W.P. & Kleinman, S. (in press). Comparing General and Political Discussion Networks Within Voluntary Organizations Using Social Network Analysis. Political Behavior
Political discussion networks are influenced by the opportunities for political interactions within our larger social environments and more general discussion networks. In this study we compare general and political discussion networks using full sociometric social network data from a probability sample of voluntary organizations –specifically, intact student activity groups from a large Midwest research university. We find that even within these “weak tie” voluntary associations, general discussion networks clearly constrain the characteristics of the political discussion networks. However, political discussion networks appear to be less dense and more likely to be broken up into disconnected components than the general discussion networks. But, general and political networks do not appear to differ in their structuring by perceptions of discussant knowledge.And, most interestingly, we find that on average neither general nor political discussionnetworks are characterized by political homogeneity.
Garrett, R. K., Carnahan, D., & Lynch, E. (In press). A turn toward avoidance? Selective exposure to online political information, 2004-2008. Political Behavior
Abstract:Scholars warn that avoidance of attitude-discrepant political information is becoming increasingly common due in part to an ideologically fragmented online news environment that allows individuals to systematically eschew contact with ideas that differ from their own. Data collected over a series of national RDD surveys conducted between 2004 and 2008 challenge this assertion, demonstrating that Americans’ use of attitude-consistent political sources is positively correlated with use of more attitudinally challenging sources. This pattern holds over time and across different types of online outlets, and applies even among those most strongly committed to their political ideology, although the relationship is weaker for this group. Implications for these findings are discussed.
Hayes, A. F., Matthes, J., & Eveland, W. P. (in press). Stimulating the quasi-statistical organ: Fear of social isolation motivates the quest for knowledge of the opinion climate. Communication Research
We tested an uninvestigated propositionfrom spiral of silence theory that fear of social isolation (FSI) prompts people to seek out information about the climate of public opinion. Taking atrait-based individual difference perspective, we develop and validate a measureof FSI that is less likely to produce the interpretational problems that plagueexisting measures. Then, using data from 8 countries spread across four continents, we examine whether those who fear social isolation to a greater extent are more likely to attend to a particular source of information in the social environment about public opinion—mass media reports of public opinion polls. Our results support spiral of silence theory’s prediction—FSI does appear to motivatepeople to ascertain what the public thinks. However, there may be some cultural boundaries to this process.
Nisbet, E.C., Stoycheff, E., & Pearce, K. E., (in press). Demanding democracy online: a multi-level model of Internet use and citizen attitudes about democracy. Journal of Communication.
A successful democracy requires citizens to prefer democratic governance over other political alternatives. In this context, we examine role of the internet in promoting political change through socialization into pro-democracy attitudes. Combining individual public opinion data from Africa and Asia with country-level indices, we test a multi-level model examining the relationship between internet penetration, individual internet use, and citizen demand for democracy across 28 countries. We find internet use, but not national internet penetration, is associated with greater citizen commitment to democratic governance. Furthermore, greater democratization and internet penetration moderates the relationship between internet use and demand for democracy. Implications for understanding how ICT diffusion and internet use may be associated with citizen attitudes about democracy are discussed.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Shapiro to speak on ideological segregation in news consumption
Jesse Shapiro, professor of economics at University of Chicago, will speak on "Ideological Segregation Online and Offline" at 3:30 p.m. in 437 Arps Hall, 1945 N High St. In his research, Shapiro finds that ideological segregation of online news consumption is higher than offline news consumption but significantly lower than segregation in face-to-face interactions. To attend, contact by Tuesday (10/25). Read more
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Workshop Series: Planning Ahead for an Academic Job Search
The Academic Job Search
Thursday, October 6, 3:30–5 p.m.
Facilitated by Stephanie Rohdieck, UCAT
This workshop will provide useful information about the job search process in academia. Information will be provided about helpful tips when starting your job search, where and how to look for openings, as well as what materials need to be prepared.
Vitae and Cover Letters
Thursday, October 13, 3:30–5 p.m.
Facilitated by Career Connection
This workshop will address how to write vitae and cover letters when searching for jobs in academia. Importance will be placed on both their format and content while highlighting career tips useful when applying for positions with a teaching and/or research emphasis.
Teaching and Research Statements
Thursday, October 20, 3:30–5 p.m.
Facilitated by Stephanie Rohdieck, UCAT
This workshop will provide an overview of each type of statement, describe how they are used in the academic job search process, and provide guidance on how to write them. There will be opportunities in the session to start the process of writing these statements.
The Interview
Thursday, October 27, 3:30–5 p.m.
Facilitated by Career Connection
This workshop will highlight what to do before, during, and after an interview for positions in academia. Emphasis will be on career strategies and interviewing techniques as well as familiarity with the academic interview expectations. Samples of questions and practice opportunities will be provided, as well as useful suggestions to enhance confidence skills.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Highly cited works by COPS affiliates
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Esralew, Weeks win conference paper awards
Esralew, S.E., & Young, D.G. (2010). The influence of parodies on political schemas: Exploring the Tina Fey-Sarah Palin phenomenon. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.: 2010.Weeks, B.E., & Garrett, R.K. (2011, November). Assessing belief in online political rumors and its impact on vote choice. Paper to be presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Political Communication Division. New Orleans, LA.
Friday, September 16, 2011
First COPS of the quarter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Computer Science Talk May be of Interest to COPS Members
Dr. Venugopal Vasudevan - Motorola Applied Research
Monday May 9th 1-3 pm
Location: CETI Lab Caldwell 400
Content and communication have converged towards collaborative media
– where media rather than people are the objects around which
collaborations & conversations are centered. The device and group
dynamics around collaborative media have similarly broadened: from
highly capable devices to pervasive devices (e.g. TV & mobile) and
from small, strongly connected groups to large collaborative groups
of people with weak inter-personal ties. This talk will address some
of the experiences and challenges in delivering a collaborative media
experience to pervasive devices such as TV and multi-screen
collaborative media. We will address the systems challenges in
scaling these experiences across large user populations, and creating
coherent crowdsourced experiences across large user populations.
Dr. Venu Vasudevan is senior director of the Betaworks, an incubator
within Motorola's Applied Research with responsibility for
identifying technologically differentiating and commercially viable
opportunities in the spaces of mobile & pervasive computing, and
social media. Prior to this, Venu directed the Software Platforms Lab
with research focus on applying distributed computing technologies to
efficient and scalable media delivery architectures for advancing
television and mobile platforms – including several key Motorola
initiatives in the mobile/pervasive media space.
Venu holds a PhD from The Ohio State University, and has co-authored
over 50 papers in journals and international conferences, and is a
member of Motorola’s Science Advisory Board.
Friday, April 08, 2011
The Quest for "Significance" in Social Science
Determinants of Age in Europe: A Pooled Multilevel Nested Hierarchical Time-Series Cross-Sectional Model
Friday, April 01, 2011
Subscribing to the COPS email list
Monday, March 28, 2011
Social Networks Workshop in May
Network Analysis Workshop at Ohio State University
The Political Science Department, in conjunction with Complex Systems Innovation Group, Program in Statistics and Methodology (PRISM), and the National Science Foundation, is pleased to host a one day workshop on Network Analysis on Thursday, May 5th, from 9:00 - 3:00. The workshop will be taught by Bruce A. Desmarais, Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (
The course will provide an introduction to political network analysis and will cover the basics of network analysis including: terminology, data collection/storage and basic description. We will also consider advanced topics in description and exploration such as graphical representation and community detection. Additionally, the course will introduce methods of statistical inference with network data including regression with quadratic assignment procedure (QAP), exponential random graph models (ERGMs), and bilinear random effects models. All methods will be demonstrated in the R statistical software, and commented code will be made available in conjunction with the course.
There is limited space available for interested participants, so we ask all of those hoping to attend to RSVP as soon as possible (link below). If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please feel free to contact Janet Box-Steffensmeier ( or Jason Morgan ( Additional information and a detailed schedule will be emailed to registered participants as soon as they become available.
RSVP here:
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Ivan Dylko Accepts Position at New Mexico State
In a very tough economy and academic job market, our students continue to demonstrate the benefits of their hard work by securing multiple interviews and great job offers. Congratulations Ivan!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Garrett published rumoring paper in Human Communication Research
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Beam accepts position at Washington State U.
New publications by COPS members
Thursday, February 17, 2011
PCR profiles contemporary datasets
Monday, February 14, 2011
Erik Nisbet a Go-To Source in Articles on Egypt Protests
Big Think on al Jazeera and Egypt
Friday, February 04, 2011
Nisbet on anti-Mubarak protests in Egypt
Erik Nisbet and Teresa Myer’s recent publication in Political Communication (available here) prompted GWU professor of political science John Sides to reflect on Al Jazeera's role in the current situation in Egypt. The post on the Monkey Cage also includes a thoughtful response from Erik on this issue.
On a related note, Erik has also discussed Al Jazeera’s impact on the Egyptian protests in a post of his own on
Friday, January 21, 2011
Knobloch-Westerwick and Kleinman work accepted at CR
Congratulations to COPS members Silivia Knobloch-Westerwick and Steve Kleinman for having their paper, “Pre-Election Selective Exposure: Confirmation Bias versus Informational Utility” accepted for publication at Communication Research. As many of you may remember, Steve and Silvia presented this work at COPS in April last year, and a provocative conversation followed.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Kleinman, S. (in press). Pre-Election Selective Exposure: Confirmation Bias versus Informational Utility. Communication Research.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Nisbet and Myers Have Lead Article in the New Issue of Political Communication
Challenging the State: Transnational TV and Political Identity in the Middle East, Pages 347 - 366Authors: Erik C. Nisbet; Teresa A. MyersDOI: 10.1080/10584609.2010.516801Link:,email