
See the calendar on the right for the full schedule.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The COPS family grows with the addition of Dr. Kelly Garrett

COPS has grown in size again. In addition to Lance Holbert, who is joining the faculty and COPS as an Associate Professor in the Fall (see an earlier posting on this blog), the School of Communication has recently hired Kelly Garrett as an Assistant Professor. Kelly is a 2005 graduate of the University of Michigan's School of Information and 2006 winner of NCA's prestigious G. R. Miller Outstanding Dissertation award. Kelly studies political polarization, contentious politics, and the use of information technology in the political process. He is a welcome addition to the faculty and the group, and we know he'll quickly feel at home here. Until he arrives at OSU, he can be contacted at For more information, visit his web page here.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

COPS Members Take Home Another Paper Award

This May COPS members Lindsay Hoffman and Tiffany Thomson will be presenting a paper in the Top Student Paper session of the Mass Communication division at the 2007 International Communication Association conference in San Francisco. Their paper was based on Wave I of the political socialization study discussed in the Dec. 29, 2006 post to this blog. Tiffany is also using other aspects of these data as part of her dissertation this year, so stay tuned for more good news to come.